Father's Day 2004 |
I think my dad was meant to have daughters. I don't know if he would know what to do with another male in the house. I know he wouldn't trade us for anything, but I would love to have a son just so he could have some male bonding with his grandson.
At least we played sports and weren't real girly girls. He helped coach and always cheered us on during games, meets, and matches. I played doubles tennis and I will never forget when he told me he would pay me if I was able to hit the girls from the other team with the ball. Technically, that was the object...at least the girl at the net so she couldn't return it, but tennis isn't necessarily a "rough" sport. I also remember my coach asking dad if he could be a quieter fan.
8-26-79 1 year old |
I have many memories of of special days with my dad. The earliest memory I have of father/daughter time is when he took me to see the Nutcracker and we ate at One Nation (a fancy restaurant overlooking downtown Columbus). We also went to several Washington Redskins games. He took me to football games and Tricia to Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games.
1980 2 years old |
He was and still is a very supportive father. He has backed me on all my decisions in life and given me some great advice when things weren't going according to plan. He even gave up going to the Ohio State vs. Notre Dame football game because the OCC (our conference) tennis tournament was the same day...at least we won so it was worth the miss. :) I don't know too many men who would miss such a big football game for tennis.
I feel comfortable talking to my dad about anything. I have kept him in the loop with all of our fertility struggles...even personal issues. I feel very fortunate that he wants to know and it doesn't even phase him. I look forward to watching the bond that him and my child (his grandchild) will have. I know he will make a great grandfather!
Summer 2009 |
Wedding 2-7-06 | |
A Father Means...
A Father means so many things...
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support...
Right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
In a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too
A Father means so many things...
When he's a man like you.
-Author Unknown
And I can't forget our latest adventure...skydiving! We have had 32 years of memories and adventures. I look forward to many, many more. I love you tons!
Skydiving October 2010 |