Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The No Baby Boom

I read an interesting article on the web today titled The No Baby Boom. It is basically about adults deciding not to become parents. Some people think this is selfish...I don't agree. There are a lot of valid points in the article as to why a couple may decide not to have isn't my choice, but who am I to judge what someone else decides is right for their life. At least these people realize they aren't "fit" to be parents, for whatever reason, before they bring a child into the world. There are a lot of people who have children and aren't "fit" to be parents.

We are so used to people graduating from college, getting married, and then having children. It is almost the norm so when I see or know of a couple that have been married for a while, I start to question why they don't have children. With what I've been going through I kind of assume it is because they are dealing with infertility too. I never really stopped to think that they may not want children. Infertility is a topic that isn't really discussed openly and I can see how this topic wouldn't be either.

The article discussed how this isn't just an American trend, but birth rates all over the world have dropped as well. One Italian mayor is offering $15,000 for every child a couple has in order to repopulate his town. Hmmm? Is there anyway we can move to Italy for our fertility treatments? This way if we are successful at having a child we can recoup the money we have spent? Just a thought.

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