I haven't really given the specifics about our frozen embryo transfer (FET). I've known the specifics for a couple of weeks, but haven't been ready to share other than it may take place in July. I'm finally at peace with all the aspects of our transfer...the financial and the hurdles that we still may have to face. So here goes...
Birth Control Pills |
I have been taking birth control pills for two weeks. It is kind of funny that I have to take these for a fertility treatment. I haven't been on pills for years. Fortunately, I haven't missed a dose. The pills are used to help prepare the lining of my uterus.
My new pharmacy. |
This is no where near the size of my last shipment and the price was much better to deal with. I only paid $41.00! This round consists of Estradol (Estrace), Prometrim (Progesterone), Diazepam (Valium), and Doxycycline. Right now I'm just on birth control for another 7 days. Around the beginning of July, I will start taking the Estrace in small doses and will work my way up to 6 pills a day. This is basically estrogen. In the middle of July, I start my progesterone vaginally...3 times a day. Oh, how I love progesterone! I've had to do this with every procedure. If I become pregnant, I will keep doing this for most of the first trimester. The Valium is for me to take before the transfer...to make me relaxed. I only took one last time, but I'm going to take both this time. I think the more relaxed the better! I also take the Doxycycline before the transfer. It is an antibiotic that is suppose to help with any infections that might occur. There is the run down on my meds this time. I'm super excited that I will not have to give myself a single injection!
*All start dates are dependent on when my cycle starts. I'm hoping it is on time this month!
Our FET is scheduled for July 20th. I have to have an ultrasound on or around July 14th to make sure my uterine lining is good enough for the transfer...this is one hurdle. If it isn't unfortunately we will have to cancel the procedure because I have a trip planned for the next week and shortly after that we go back to school. The other hurdle is that the embryos won't make it through the thawing stage, but as I stated before there is a very minimal chance that this will occur.
One day at a time!
I am keeping you in my thoughts!!