Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Michael!

Adorable Michael Paul
Happy 36th Birthday to a wonderful man! My love grows stronger for you each day we are together. We are complete opposites, but that is what makes our marriage work. You constantly make me smile and laugh! People always ask me how I put up with you, but sometimes I wonder how you put up with me? 

We are very fortunate that our infertility struggles haven't put a strain on our marriage. I think we are doing a pretty good job of working through it together and dealing with what has been handed to us. While I don't like going through this struggle, I think it has only made us closer.

We will end up being older parents, but hopefully wiser. Age is only a number. I'm really looking forward to becoming a parent with you at whatever age we are when it happens. I know you will be a phenomenal father to our little boy or girl.  I sometimes wonder if I'll have to remind you that you are the parent...since you are such a big kid! :)  I just know that on your next birthday there will be three (if not four) of us celebrating! 

We've been through a lot together.
You've seen me at my best, my worst,
and first thing in the morning.
We've laughed and kissed 
and argued and loved
and held hands.

When I look back on this little story of "us",
I realize I'm happier than I've ever been.
And it is all because of you.
Happy Birthday with love! 


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