Sunday, June 5, 2011

Great Quote

Michael's aunt posted a great quote on Facebook today that really made me stop and think...

If you are depressed than you're living in the past.
If you are anxious than you're living in the furture.
If you are at peace than you're living in the present.

One of the hardest things about fertility treatments is not living in the present. I want to keep looking ahead at what is next and fast forward. I have to try and live each day to the fullest because I won't get this time back. I have some great vacations and other things planned this summer. I need to enjoy them and try to put my infertility issues on the back is so much easier said than done, but if I don't I'm going to drive myself (and Michael) crazy.

The transfer will happen. When? I don't know. It may be later this summer or we may have to wait until September. My first post on this blog was titled The Plan and once again I'm seeing that "the plan" doesn't always work. God knows what the plan is and it will happen when he sees fit. Right now, I feel like he has been giving me obstacles and hurdles to deal with. I guess it will only make me stronger!

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