213...is my HCG. A 25 means you are pregnant. I should be thrilled right? Once again I feel like we are on the road to heartbreak. I've been bleeding and crampy this weekend and today it has been the worst. I took a pregnancy test on Saturday and it was positive so I had an idea that I would be pregnant, but we've not been joyous about it since my bleeding points to another miscarriage. Cherub says I should stay optimistic, but when all we know is disappointment it is very hard!
It is basically another waiting game. I will go in on Wednesday for more blood work. We need to see if my HCG is going down or up. Going down would mean a miscarriage and going up would be great, but concerning because of the heavy bleeding I'm having today.
How do I stay busy and pass the time between now and Wednesday morning? Sitting and feeling sorry for myself isn't going to help anything or change the results. I have a workday with my team Tuesday at school so at least I will keep busy tomorrow.
I will share the results of my blood work on Wednesday. We should definitely know what is going on then.
I am praying for a high beta!!!!