Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Storm

The sermon today at church couldn't have come at a better time. It was titled "Trusting Jesus in the Storm". The last couple of years have been a "storm". I've been so caught up in it and have wanted  to control everything, but I really didn't have much control over the "storm". I have to keep believing that God has a plan for us and he isn't ready to reveal it. I must admit it has been so hard to trust God when we keep getting disappointed.

While what we have just been dealt has been hard to deal with...the timing worked out well. I've been able to grieve and relax so my body can get back to normal before I go back to work. I know there will still be moments when memories of the "storm" will hit me, but I will do my best to stay strong and allow God to get me through it.

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