Thursday, August 25, 2011

Doctor Follow Up

I had my follow up appointment today with the doctor for my chest and back issues. The last two days have been much better, so I'm either less anxious and stressed or whatever ailed me is going away...however he wants me to do a stress test. I will go back on Monday, in my workout gear, for it. He wanted me to go in tomorrow morning, but I told him I'm a teacher and seeing how it was already 4:30pm it would be stressful to get a sub and make sub plans for the next morning. So I will be put on a treadmill and they will do whatever a stress test involves. I'm a little nervous seeing as how I haven't worked out in forever because of the frozen embryo transfer in July and then I was scared to because of my chest discomfort.

Oh, and you should see the bruise on my arm from the IV for my CT Scan. It looks like someone repeatedly hit me...fortunately is doesn't hurt. I just tell people Michael beats me. ;)

Only three weeks into school and I think I need a vacation!!

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