The students started back to school on Monday. I've had several long days and I feel like I can't get everything done. It is hard to come back on a full week. My class seems good so far...a little chatty and some energetic boys, but I guess that comes with the age. :)
Today was a hectic one. I went to the doctor this morning because I've been having chest "pains" and pain in my back too. I've been having them for about two weeks, but I'm not one to go running to the doctor and I finally decided I needed to go yesterday. My blood pressure and pulse were both normal so they took blood, and did an ekg, which also looked normal. The blood work results will come back next week. We discussed the fact that I've been on fertility treatments and that one of the side effects of the hormones I've been on are blood clots. We decided that it would be best to rule it out with a CT Scan. After school, I had that done and it came back normal too. (It was an interesting experience...especially when they put the dye in my IV. The dye gives off a warming sensation throughout the whole body and even makes you feel like you have to go the bathroom.)
While all of this is good news, I'm the type of person what wants an answer and all we can figure out right now is that it is due to stress and anxiety. Me? I haven't had any of that lately? the doctor prescribed me Xanax and I go back on Thursday for a follow up appointment.
Of course, like usual, I'm worried about the cost of everything I had done today. Just when we think we can start saving money for adoption...we will have a few more medical bills. Although, I do realize that the tests I had done today were worth every penny because it is my health! I have to be healthy so I can be a great mom when we finally bring home our baby. :)
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