Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Countdown to Thursday

Only one more day until I know whether or not our Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) will take place on the 20th.  I've been taking my estrogen like clockwork so hopefully it is assisting in making my uterine lining nice and thick! I'm currently taking two Estrace pills three times a day. I haven't really experienced any side effects so that has been nice. I found an article today titled Increase Uterine Lining with Estrogen Type Foods...too bad I hadn't read this before now.

I'm so hopeful that Thursday will bring good news. I'm not exactly sure how thick they want my uterine lining to be for the transfer to occur on time, but I'm hoping my body has made it happen. My ultrasound is scheduled at 8:15am...please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as we face this step in the FET procedure.

I found a penny this morning at the gas station...hopefully it will bring me luck on Thursday.  

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