Wednesday, July 27, 2011

FET Update

It's been awhile since I have posted. We are in Pennsylvania visiting my mom and step-dad. It has been good to be away from home so I'm not constantly thinking about my pregnancy test, however...I had an emotional morning yesterday... (warning...the following might be too much information)

I have had a brownish color discharge since Saturday and it has shown up a little more each day. I have also had very mild cramps. Now these symptoms could be good or bad. It seems like all symptoms could go one way or the other. I decided to call Cherub just to confirm what I thought she would tell me, but her voicemail said she would be out of the office until Monday so I called down to Charleston. Lynn called me back to confirm that either a) I will have a positive pregnancy test and the discharge is implantation or just what some women have when they are pregnant or b) I will have a negative pregnancy test and it is my period trying to start, but since I'm taking progesterone suppositories it isn't allowing it to. Either way I can't do anything about it and will have to wait and see what the pregnancy test shows.

Technically, I should go in for a test on Friday morning, but since we are flying home that day...I can't. I'm scheduled to go in on Monday morning since they won't be able to run the blood work over the weekend. I said I wouldn't take a HPT (home pregnancy test), but since I'm going in late I may take one this weekend just to prepare myself for Monday. I don't have a very good feeling about it being positive because of what is going on with my body. Plus, I don't have any other positive sore boobs, hunger cravings, nauseous. I know all pregnancies are different and it is still very early, but I guess when all we know is disappointment it is so hard to keep having faith when we are thrown so many curve balls.

If I take an HPT this weekend I probably won't post about it until we get the officials results from the blood test. Please continue to pray for us and that our bump in the road is leading us down the path of positive results.

1 comment:

  1. I had similar things happen to me! I didn't experience any "real" symptoms until towards the end of the 2 weeks and I had weird discharge but I didn't worry to much because my doctor warned me of that. Keep your head up!
