Monday, July 18, 2011

One More Day

I've been trying to stay busy these last few days to keep my mind off of the FET Wednesday. I did some school shopping today...can't believe it is almost time to go back! August 8th will be here before I know it. Tomorrow I'm going to do my yoga routine in the morning and enjoy every minute of my massage in the afternoon! (Thanks to my third grade team for the gift card...I'm finally using it.)

I found a blog a couple of days ago that I've really enjoyed reading. It is written by a woman whose story is very similar to mine. She did her first IVF, got pregnant, but had an early miscarriage just like we did. She was able to freeze four embryos and they did an FET with two of them. She got pregnant and is expecting her little boy the end of this month. She is also a teacher. I love reading stories of success when it comes to fertility treatments! It puts me in a positive frame of mind and makes me think that there is still hope for us.

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