Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sharps Collector

I've been cleaning out and organizing our closets and drawers this summer and came across my sharps collector. I was curious how many syringes were in it so I dumped it out...probably not a wise idea, but none of the needles were exposed. This is what I dumped out...
Most of these were only used for one round of IVF. I can't imagine going through this multiple times like some women do. The amount of syringes would be ridiculous!

The small white caps are the needles that we placed on the Follistim Pen and the small syringes were used with my Lupron. The big syringes were my trigger shots or HCG. These were administered shortly before our IVF and IUI procedures. Hard for me to believe that Michael/I gave me so many shots.

I guess it is time to turn my sharps collector over to the doctor's office...since I won't be giving myself anymore shots.

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