Thursday, September 29, 2011

Crazy Week

Thank goodness we finished our application before this week hit! Parent Teacher Conferences have consumed my life. I'm so happy that tomorrow is Friday! I did however enjoy a massage on Tuesday. I've used infertility procedures to justify my massages in the past, but now I'm hooked! Jen is just so good and they are only $40! I did take my first bubble bath in a couple of years. I'm not sure what came over me, but I plugged my iPod into the speakers, lit a candle, and sat there for almost an hour. Trixie, our cat, sat on the edge and watched the bubbles and water drip out of the faucet. The only cat I've ever met who loves water. I probably shouldn't get too used to bubble baths...I'm sure I won't have time for them when we become parents. All I can say is...thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!

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