Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful for...

I am thankful for many things in my life (in no particular order)...

1. My loving parents, step-parents, and in-laws! I'm very fortunate to have such a good relationship with all of them.
2. My wonderful, loving husband who doesn't mind cooking...since I hate it. :)
3. My health and the health of my family.
4. My sister...even though we are very different and disagree at times...I love her! 
4. My fabulous friends!
5. My adorable and cuddly kitty...Trixie!
6. That my 93 year old grandma is still in good health...I can only hope my mom will be around that long and that their genes were passed to me!
7. Summer vacations with my family!
8. My teaching job...although it can sometimes be challenging dealing with students and parents...I love working with 3rd graders!
9. The adoptive parents I have met since we started this journey. They are great resources and supporters! 
10. A roof over my head, food on the table, and the funds to live with the necessities I need. 
11. The ability to adopt a baby who is in need of a loving home and family!

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and take time to be thankful for all the wonderful things in your life!

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