Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I've been doing quite a bit of research lately on cribs, mattresses, car seats, etc. Thank goodness for the internet! I love searching through the web for different baby items. I can't wait until we actually purchase something. Our neighbors had a garage sale this weekend and they were selling a glider and ottoman. I stopped over to see how much they were asking for it...only $16, but I would have had to reupholster it and the wood wasn't the right color so I passed. I think she ended up selling it for $14...great deal! She also had tons of cute baby girl clothing...if only we knew what sex we were going to adopt.

I'm getting more antsy to start preparing, but I'm trying to stay in the moment too. I don't want to miss the present because I'm looking towards the future, but I'm finding that hard to do!

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