Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Dream

My Dream
By Kathy L. Nadeau
        I dream about a child to come
A child to share our home
A home of toys, and swings, and games,
Of laughter, hugs, and love.
I dream of a baby's crib and toys
Bottles, diapers, and things
Strollers, walkers, a bassinet,
And lullabies to sing.  
I dream of having a little child
Even the "terrible twos"
Teaching, guiding, and loving
Seeing what he or she can do.  
I dream of sending a child to school
Being in Brownies or Scouts
To watch him learn and grow each day
Seeing what life is about.  
I dream of Christmas morning
Presents around a tree
Singing, sharing, a precious time
Will it ever be?  
I dream of summer vacations
Children crammed in a family car
Going camping, having picnics
Sleeping under the stars.  
In my dream of motherhood
I do not now have a part
I pray my dream comes true in life
And not just in my heart.  
I receive an infertility newsletter called Stepping Stones. It is an infertility resource for Christian couples facing infertility or pregnancy loss. This poem was in the latest newsletter, and I felt it summed up my feelings perfectly.

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