Sunday, April 24, 2011

Zoo Fun

Who says you need to have kids to go to the zoo? Michael and I enjoyed the gorgeous weather and hung out at the zoo yesterday. He hasn't been since we've been in Columbia and the last time I went was on a field trip with second graders...a little bit of a different experience without energetic 7 and 8 year olds.We also strolled through the botanical garden at the beautiful!

We ate lunch at Pawley's Front Porch. A great place for we had heard. They were delicious. Michael had a Washout Burger...jalapeno bacon and blue cheese. I had a regular cheese burger, but I had the sweet potato fries which were dynamite.

It was nice to get out of the house and put the blood test on Monday in the back of our minds.

Happy Easter! I wish we could spend time with family today, but hopefully when we have a little one running around everyone will come here to see their grandchild in action. :)

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