Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day Six of Stimulation

I went in this morning for blood work and another ultrasound. I officially look like I'm shooting up. I have bruises on both arms so they took blood from the top of my left hand...we shall see how that looks in a few hours.

Here are my stats:
*My uterus lining is at 7.5 mm. Cherub says above 6.5 is good. I read that on average during IVF it will increase by 1mm per day.

*I  have 4 follicles we are measuring at the current time: two measure 11 mm, one at 13 mm, and another at 15mm. I also have 11 that are less than 10 mm so there is a chance that they could grow larger. Cherub says we need to see follicles between 19-21 mm for retrieval. She thought the 15 mm follicle might mature before we do retrieval so we could lose it, but hopefully some of the smaller ones start maturing. She said this all looks good for day 6.

As of right now we are still planning to do retrieval on Monday, but she thought it could possibly be Sunday. I go back for more blood work and an ultrasound on Thursday morning.

This afternoon I will be enjoying lunch with a friend and later a much needed massage!

1 comment:

  1. It is sooo close!!!!!!! I am praying for your success.
