I went in yesterday for blood work and an ultrasound. I have 5 follicles on one side and 6 on the other. (If you aren't sure what a follicle is you can read about follicles and eggs at Dr. Malpani's Blog.) Not sure if that is good or bad, but we shall see how the meds impact them in the coming days. Today I added 10 units of Low Dose HCG to my 10 units of Lupron...this is my morning injection. In the evening I give myself 225 units of Follistim. I go back in on Sunday for blood work and the doctor will either increase my meds, decrease them, or keep them the same. I'm assuming at this early stage they will stay the same. Cherub, my nurse, says the number one side effect she hears from patients during this time is being fatigued. If this happens I'll have plenty of time to sleep considering next week is Spring Break!!!
(The bottles on top are for my morning injection
and the blue pen is for the evening.)
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