Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Big Hurdle (at this point)

I tried so hard this morning to give myself my injection of Lupron. I know it is mental because it couldn't possibly hurt anymore than when someone else gives it to me. I rubbed the spot with an alcohol wipe, got the syringe right up to my skin and failed miserably...several times. Michael told me not to watch, but how would I know when the syringe was all the way in? So, I let him give it to me and I didn't even feel it...which I'm sure is what would have happened if I had done it myself, but it is the fact that I don't want to feel it going through my skin. This is a hurdle I WILL overcome and when I do you better believe everyone will hear about it! 
 (This is a picture of the syringe I'm "fighting" with.)

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