Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let the Injections Begin

I received my first medication in the mail today...Lupron. I start on this tomorrow morning and will remain on it until right before the doctor retrieves my eggs. I like the price of Lupron. It only cost me $9.00. I wish all my medications were that cheap. Lupron is used to control ovulation and improve the development and growth of follicles during my cycle. I've been lucky not to have any side effects with any of my the medications I've had to take, so I'm hoping Lupron won't give me any either. After 14 days of Lupron I start several other injected medicines...too many I can't even list them! I'm trying to take this one step at a time.

I go in tomorrow morning for lab work and not again until the 30th. Once the second set of injections start I will be in the doctor's office on a regular basis...every other morning to every morning. At least most of that falls during my spring break.

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