Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Transfer Consultation


Next consult with Dr. Slowey tomorrow about the transfer of our two frozen embryos. I don't have as many questions as I did for the IVF consult, but I need to write the ones down that I have so I don't forget them.

My major question is...what is the percentage or chances of my two embryos not surviving the freezing process? There is a chance that on the morning of the transfer, when they "thaw" the embryos, that we find out they didn't survive the process. Hopefully, they are thriving as much as they can be while frozen. :)

I do know that I won't have as many appointments to go to, and I won't have to inject my body with quite so many hormones...yay! I guess I'll get all the specifics tomorrow, and I will fill everyone in on our next step.

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