Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stepping Stones

I receive a newsletter from Stepping Stones every two months and the latest one just came on Monday...what perfect timing. Stepping Stones is a nonprofit organization "Offering Christian Support for Couples Facing Infertility or Pregnancy Loss". I really connected with the woman who wrote the feature article. She struggled with infertility and during her journey to have children she started working with the youth at her church. It was ironic because I've been involved in a small group book study with some of our youth at our church. We've been reading the book Crazy Love. I've also gone to a couple youth group meetings, but haven't been doing it on a consistent basis. While I really enjoy working with the youth I've also been doing it to learn more about God and to become closer to him. My relationship with God has grown immensely in the last year. I still have tons to learn and am by far a perfect Christian, but I've really enjoyed the relationships I've formed and the history I have learned. There was a verse I read in the newsletter that I will take to heart and refer to through our journey of having a child...

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 

*On a side note the woman who wrote the article struggled with infertility for four years and ended up adopting a little boy.

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