Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Waiting Begins

The last visit went well. It was a little emotional too...thinking about what could or couldn't happen and hearing stories about couples who have had to go through so many heartbreaks before they finally had the "perfect" match. I'm actually a little scared now that we are almost a waiting family. I mean our journey has been 4 years and it feels like it is never ending. The fact that we might have a happy ending soon scares me. I'm not even sure that I know how to explain it. Yes, right now is a happy time but we may have more hurdles to cross before we can be truly at ease. The next exciting step would be that we have a placement, but just because a birth mother chooses us doesn't mean anything is guaranteed. Our social worker was telling us that one family had six placements and each time the birth mother changed her mind. I can't even begin to imagine! I don't even want to go through one...let alone six. I asked her when it is that the birth mother usually changes her mind and she said normally it is at the hospital after the baby is born. Obviously that is when the birth mother would be the most emotional. It takes a strong woman to make an adoption plan for her baby. 

I pray for our baby and birth mother. Our baby may have already been conceived. I pray that our baby's birth mother is doing well and has the support she needs to make such a courageous decision in her life. I pray that our birth mother is being responsible during her pregnancy and caring for her unborn baby as I would if it were in my body. To my unborn baby..."Never forget for a single minute, you didn't grow under my heart, but in it". 

Please pray for our unborn baby, our baby's birth mother, and for us as we begin to wait for God to bring us our precious bundle of joy!


  1. Where did that come from....your words are so inspirational that's so very eloquent!

  2. I mispelled my own name, its Wise. awesome stuff though. You are so ready!
