Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's Official

We are officially a waiting family! Our profile, video, and Dear Birthmother letter are all on the Bethany website. I would love to link it, but Michael and I realized we need to be careful with what we post on the blog since our last name is part of the web address. We don't want anyone being able to link our profile back to our blog. If you want to view it you will have to visit the agencies website and look under family profiles.

Our home study arrived in the mail today. We have to read it, sign it and send it back. It is 12 pages long! I keep meaning to ask our social worker who actually gets to read our home study. I'm sure it will be used during the legal proceedings, but I'm not sure who else views it.

Please continue to pray for our unborn baby and our baby's birthmother.

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