Monday, February 13, 2012

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was all about adoption! I, Michael helped a little, wrote the Dear Birthmother letter this weekend. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be...I just needed to sit and make myself do it. I will share it once our home study is complete and it is posted on the agency's website. I also worked on our picture video/slideshow. I have a lot more work to do on that, but I figure I will do a little bit at a time. We also went shopping for a glider. We found a glider that we really is more of a cushioned chair, but we aren't sure if it will fit in our nursery with the other furniture. Oh, I forgot to blog about the dresser/hutch we are getting. One of my friends/coworkers wanted to get rid of the dresser that she had in her little boy's room so I went and looked at it and it will fit perfectly!! It will be our dresser/changing table.

The second part of our home study is on Thursday. I will go to the agency's office on Thursday morning and Michael will go on Thursday afternoon. Hopefully our stories match! ;)

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