Saturday, February 4, 2012

Busy Day

The first home study visit will be Thursday at 1:00pm. We have spent a portion of today cleaning. Our house is pretty clean most of the time, but I cleaned a little more than usual. Michael even pitched in, and he hates to clean! He even vacuumed the steps. We also had long phone interviews for the life insurance we just applied for. I feel like I keep giving people personal information...which is only going to continue during the home study visits. I also finished up the tree! I LOVE it! I will post pictures of it tomorrow. After a busy day we are headed to Bonefish for our anniversary (on Tuesday) dinner. We were going to go out of town for the weekend, but when the home study call came...we decided it would be much wiser to use the gift cards we have for Bonefish. :)

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