Thursday, January 12, 2012

Modern Family

Love Modern Family! Cam and Mitchell, the gay couple, are looking to adopt another child. Their meeting with the birthmother was interesting. Cam compares meeting perspective mothers to a first date and Mitchell chimes in with "It is kind of the don't want to have sex, but you want a baby." When the birthmother arrives Mitchell starts off the meeting by correcting the birthmother when she says a dolphin is a fish. He says it is a mammal. Well Cam pulls Mitchell in the kitchen and tells him to stop correcting her. Mitchell says he was giving her a basic biology lesson. Cam responds with "Let me give you a basic biology and I can't make a baby so if she says the lamp is Uncle George, it is Uncle George." They continuing talking to her and when she goes to the restroom they are kind of frustrated with her intelligence (for lack of better word). When she sees a keyboard she wants to hear them play and sing. It was Cam's keyboard and Mitchell wasn't really into doing the whole "song and dance". Cam tells him..."Look at it this way, we are not only adopting a baby, but we are saving it from a life spent searching for East Dakota."  They end up singing Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John. After they sing she says...I thought Cam was the singer because Mitchell has a great voice and Cam was a little pitchy. Anyway, she loved the two of them and unofficially tells them they are "the ones". While Mitchell is getting the sparkling cider to celebrate, Cam wants to prove to her that he is a great singer so he chooses to sing Baby Please Don't Go. She gets emotional and decides to keep the baby. Not the best celebratory song.

Television makes everything seem so easy! A month or so ago they decided to adopt a second baby and now they are already meeting birthmothers. What a quick home study! I wish our life moved as quick as television!

It was a funny episode, but I know when we meet our birthmother it won't be funny or silly, but very serious, nerve-wracking, and emotional. I will want everything to go perfect just like Cam, but as I have learned though this journey there is no perfect plan.

Modern Family Episode

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