2013 is here! The older I get the faster the years fly by! What will 2013 bring? Hopefully is will be a year filled with laughter and time spent with family and friends. We hope to run our first 5K...maybe a couple, and I pray that I am able to pass National Boards the first time! Maybe we can finally upgrade Michael's cell phone from a flip phone (or dumb phone as my stepsister calls it) to a smartphone. We hope his car makes it through 2013...225,000 miles and still going. Of course, there is the obvious...adopting a baby. While I hate to think about it I'm sure we will run into more hurdles, but it will only make us stronger. We will celebrate our 7th year of marriage, 11th year of being a couple and our 8th year of living in South Carolina. I'm sure there are many more things we will change, experience or conquer in 2013. I hope you are able to achieve your goals in 2013 and that it is filled with laughter, love and happiness!!!
Reading this post now and knowing what happens next is amazing.