Thursday, December 20, 2012


I'm sure I have mentioned that we receive recruitment emails every now and then from the agency. In an email like this it gives us information about an expectant mother (EM) and her baby. We can respond if we are interested in being considered for the baby or we can do nothing. If we respond that we are interested than the agency sends out more information and we can either go forward or decide the baby isn't a good fit for us.

We received a recruitment email in November and were interested in being considered for the did 19 other couples and we weren't chosen. We knew our chances were slim, but we had hope. Rejection hurts! We received another email this week with information on a EM and her baby that we wanted to be considered for. Yesterday, we received more information about the EM and baby and after researching a few of our concerns we decided not to move forward.

What frustrated me while researching the issues/concerns (I can't be specific due to privacy issues.) was the simple fact that I'm having to research what effects a baby could have due to the choices the EM has made or is making. Yes, I know women put their babies up for adoption for a reason and the situation isn't going to be perfect, but if I could have my own baby I wouldn't do anything that could affect his/her health. Life is a precious gift, and I'm having a really hard time understanding why I can't have a baby of my own!!!!!

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