Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Summer 2014

I started this summer looking forward to spending time with Christopher, but also thinking I could never be a stay at home mom. Well I start back to work tomorrow and there have been moments over the last two months when I have thought being at home with him would be great. Since I have been with him 24/7 I have been able to witness the new things he does and says. When I return to work we will rush to get out the door in the morning and the evening will be busy with dinner and bath time. I will miss our morning jogs and playing outside when we return, attending My Gym on Monday mornings, weekday play dates and relaxing while he naps.

 I'm trying to prepare myself for the fact that things are about to get busy real quick! The beginning of the school year is always so hectic and I'm also taking two courses this fall to extend my certification to fourth through sixth grades. I know that I need to make sure every second I have with him I am in the moment. He is growing up way too quick and while child development and kindergarten seem so far away...I know in a blink of an eye he will be headed to school!!

Fun times from this summer...

Swim lessons were so much fun!!!
He loves fish!!!
Mommy's little helper in the kitchen!
Reading with Grandma.

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