Monday, June 17, 2013

Couple of Milestones

Christopher is getting so big! He is starting to sit up on his own for extended periods of time, he is rolling over, he slept through the night last night without his arms swaddled, and we just started feeding him baby food...other than cereal.

I'm really enjoying him at this age. He can do more than lay down! Although, I know he will be crawling pretty soon and then I will want him to just lay down. :) We need to move him out of his infant car seat too because his little feet are almost hanging over the end. We have tried him in the stroller without the car seat and he sits up great. I haven't put him in the front of a shopping cart though...I think he is still a little small. 

Our little guy does what we call baby crunches...they are so funny! He will lift his head and legs up off the ground at the same time. Sometimes we count to see how long he can keep them up. It is a hoot!!! 

I'm so in love with him!! Sometimes I just look at Christopher and get teary eyed. I just feel so fortunate and blessed that he came into our lives because he is such a precious gift!

Sitting up by himself!!! 
Eating in his booster seat. 

Cooling off in Mr. Ducky!

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