Thursday, February 28, 2013

Two Month Visit

We headed to the doctor this morning for vaccinations and a well visit. I was so happy Michael was with me since he received 3 shots!! Christopher was a trooper! He cried for a little bit, but was calm by the time we left. He has been sleeping most of the day...I'm assuming it is due to the shots. He is actually enjoying some time in the Baby Bjorn while I type this. :)

His stats...He now weighs 11.6 pounds and is 22 3/4 inches long. He is in the 63rd percentile with his weight and 80th percentile with his height. We do however need to keep an eye on the right side of his is starting to get a little flat because he is always on that side. I started to notice it a couple days ago. The doctor says not to be concerned, but to start making him sleep etc. on his left side. Of course I feel like I have failed Christopher in that aspect, but we will get it fixed.

Christopher has started to almost sleep through the night. We have been getting up for one middle of the night feeding usually around 2:00/2:30 so we are hoping in the next month or so we might be able to get him to sleep through the night.

Two more months and we head back for another doctor visit. I'm sure I will be amazed at how much he has grown in the time between, but we will continue to enjoy each and every moment of his development until May.

Love that smile!!!

Our little man!

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Christopher has definitely been spoiled with love since he arrived! I feel like we have a revolving door...between all the family members and friends. This week will be nice because Michael has several days off so we can enjoy being a family of three! He has one more visitor before I head back to school...Auntie Tricia is visiting again! He still needs to meet the Traver Clan (cousins) and Grandpa Rataiczak, but Grandma Miller comes soon!

Loving Grandmas  
Grandpa Miller
Grandpa Barney
Auntie Tricia

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happy 1 Month!!

Christopher is 1 month old today!! 

A few things to remember about your first month...
*You are starting to grow out of newborn clothes and into 0-3 months. It is more the length than anything. 
*You hate to be naked...especially when it comes to baths! Once we wrap you up in a towel you settle down.
*You are GREAT at peeing all over the place when we change your diaper so we change you on the kitchen floor...easy to clean up!
*You started sleeping in your crib on January 31st. We can see you on the video monitor so it puts mommy at ease. 
*You tend to be a loud eater when you get your bottle. 
*You have been doing great at sleeping during the night between bottles. 
*Your first trip out of the house was to the lawyer's office when you were only 8 days old.
*You like to shop! You have been to Target, Sam's Club and Joann Fabrics. You slept during all three trips. :)
*You enjoy movement...driving in the car or walks in your stroller. 
*You are not a fan of your sunglasses.
*You do great at working to lift your head when mommy, daddy and grandma work with you!
*You have a strong grip!

We look forward to many more firsts and the ways you will grow in month two. We now understand the reason why we had to wait so long for a baby...God was preparing to bring you in our life. We love you bunches and look forward to many more happy months with our family of three!