Monday, June 18, 2012

Positive Spirit

I volunteered this morning and talked to a 15 year old girl and her mother for quite a while. This girl was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer a little over a month ago. She has a form on lymphoma. They were planning on moving from Columbus, Ohio to here this summer because her father was being transferred, but they had to leave a little early so she could start chemo.  She wasn't able to finish her school year and now stays at the House because the house they are building isn't done yet. She has already lost all of her hair. Having all these obstacles do deal with at such a young age...I must say she is the most upbeat, energetic, and delightful 15 year old! She is so positive and has a great outlook on life! If only everyone could be as positive and thankful as this teenager. I know with her positive spirit and great attitude she is going to kick cancer's butt and have many successful years to come!!! She will be in my prayers everyday!

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