Thursday, July 26, 2012

Get Away

Michael and I decided to get away for a couple of days to Asheville, NC. We went there a couple years ago and did the Biltmore and Chimney Rock so this time we decided to explore the downtown area and go white water rafting. Instead of staying in a hotel, I found a cute cottage in the mountains overlooking Asheville. It was only 3 miles from downtown, but it felt like we were so far away. Check out the views...
Our Cottage
Cottage's Deck
Gorgeous View!! The red roof is the Grove Park Inn.
Enjoying the view at night. 
I loved white water rafting!!! We rafted down the French Broad River and learned it is the 3rd oldest river behind the Nile and the New River.They weren't huge rapids, but we did get wet and we even jumped out to float down the river. I told Micheal that I need to quit teaching and be a rafting guide...a lot less stress. I wish I could have taken a picture of what we were looking at while rafting...we did buy a photo that they took of our raft. The view of the mountains on the river will be my happy place when I get stressed this school year.
Fun Times
We also  enjoyed a few breweries and restaurants in downtown Asheville. I did learn that I'm not a very good navigator. :)
French Broad River Brewery
Pack's Tavern
We will definetly go back and stay in the same cottage. It cost about the same as a hotel, was bigger, and had a view I couldn't get enough of!!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday, old man!! :) I wish I could celebrate with you! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

"Why Wouldn't I?"

My stepsister was at a church youth conference and heard this man speak and share his music, Peder Eide. My stepmom sent me the link to a short video on one of his songs that is about adoption. Check out his short video...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Painted Head Flag

Judith, a cancer patient who stays at the Ronald McDonald House, had her head painted like a flag for July 4th. She is the teenager I wrote about in an earlier post. Please keep her in your prayers as she continues to battle her cancer!
Check out the link for pictures...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!

In the spirit of July 4th I made a new wreath for our front door. It was pretty easy. I just wrapped yarn around a foam wreath and pinned on a few buttons. I saw it on Pinterest.
Happy Fourth of July! I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!